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How to keep your skin healthy around your stoma.

Your stoma appliance is designed to protect your skin from output (feces or urine). The adhesive of your stoma appliance sticks best to healthy, clean and dry skin.    This reduces the risk of leakage, which is one of the main causes of skin irritation.

Maintaining healthy skin is often simply about checking you are applying and removing your stoma appliance correctly and with the right frequency. The length of time between changes will vary for everyone.

Using the ‘Apply-Remove-Check’ process described here will help ensure you are in the right routine.

Preventing and treating skin irritation

Skin irritations are a common problem for people with a stoma. If you see any changes in the appearance and colour of the skin around your stoma compared to the skin on the rest of your stomach, you probably have a skin irritation. This guide has been designed to help you assess your skin so you can manage mild skin irritations and know when to seek help from your healthcare professional in case of more severe irritations.

Learn more about how to take care of your skin by signing up for Coloplast Care:

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